Should golf glasses be polarized

Should Golf Glasses Be Polarized?

As you stand on the green, assessing your next shot, the sun’s glare can be a major distraction. This is where golf glasses come into play, providing protection and clarity for your game. But a question often arises: should golf glasses be polarized?

In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits and potential drawbacks of polarized golf glasses, helping you make an informed decision about this essential piece of golf gear.

Understanding Polarized Golf Glasses

Polarized golf glasses are designed to reduce glare and enhance visual clarity, making them a popular choice for many golfers. Here’s a closer look at the pros and cons:

Pros of Polarized Golf Glasses:

Glare Reduction:

Polarized lenses effectively reduce glare from reflective surfaces, such as water hazards and sand traps. This can greatly improve your visibility, especially on sunny days.

Improved Contrast:

Polarized lenses can enhance contrast, making it easier to spot subtle breaks in the green and read the contours of the course.

Eye Protection:

These glasses offer UV protection, shielding your eyes from harmful sun rays. This not only reduces the risk of eye damage but also minimizes squinting and eye fatigue.

Cons of Polarized Golf Glasses:

Loss of LCD/LED Screens Clarity:

Polarized lenses can affect the visibility of certain electronic screens, such as GPS devices and rangefinders that use LCD or LED displays. The polarization may cause the screens to appear dim or distorted.

Limited Use Beyond Golf:

While polarized glasses excel on the golf course, they may not be the best choice for activities that require constant screen interaction, like checking your phone or using a GPS during your round.

Alternative Lens Options

If you’re unsure about polarized lenses, you can consider non-polarized alternatives. Golf-specific non-polarized lenses often have specialized tints that provide excellent visual clarity without the potential drawbacks of polarization.

Choosing the Right Golf Glasses

When deciding whether your golf glasses should be polarized, consider the following factors:

Frequency of Golfing:

If you’re a dedicated golfer and spend a lot of time on the course, polarized golf glasses can significantly enhance your game. The benefits of reduced glare and improved contrast may outweigh any inconveniences.

Screen Interaction:

If you rely heavily on electronic devices with LCD or LED screens during your rounds, you might prefer non-polarized lenses to ensure clear screen visibility.

Personal Preference:

Ultimately, the decision should align with your personal preferences. Some golfers find that polarized lenses greatly enhance their golfing experience, while others may prefer alternatives.


In conclusion, the question of whether golf glasses should be polarized depends on your individual needs and preferences as a golfer. Polarized glasses can be highly effective in reducing glare, enhancing contrast, and providing UV protection, all of which are valuable on the golf course. However, they may not be the ideal choice if you heavily rely on electronic screens during your rounds.

Consider your golfing habits, the conditions you typically encounter, and your screen interaction needs when making your decision. Whether you opt for polarized or non-polarized golf glasses, the key is to find eyewear that helps you maintain clear vision, protect your eyes, and ultimately improve your golf game.

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